πŸš€ Bombcrypto is on top of 10 highest viewed coins on CoinMarketCap Africa πŸš€

Dec 23, 2021


πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ Although the big names have had a place in the market, but thanks to the support of everyone and our African friends, Bombcrypto has stood up.

It’s almost the end of Q4/2021, Bombcrypto is gradually perfecting itself on the path to bringing real value to players. And of course the game has a long way to go and needs everyone’s support πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

❀️Keep an eye out for new features arriving this month, including ADVENTURE MODE and MARKETPLACE.




Written by BOMB CRYPTO

#Bombcrypto is a game inspired by Bombsquad. Players can farm, play, earn #BCOIN and trade them for real money. Get Started: https://bombcrypto.io/

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